Cover art for the latest Sacred Oath album in cue (#10!) has been posted. Long-time printer and graphic designer for the band Jack Walker created the piece to spec for us while listening to the master recordings.
Jack’s history with us goes all the way back to 1986 when he accosted us in front of a Sir Speedy print shop he was working at. Little did he know we would take retribution on him for the rest of his natural -born life. Probably beyond into the after-life for that matter.
Jack “the Axe Stalker” has had a hand in almost everything the band has done since then, from the lavish newsletters he printed for us in the early days, to the collectible lyric booklets that we included in “World On Fire”, to graphic design work he has done for our last 4 releases. He also handles our website design, so if it seems like we’re making him seem godlike, he probably wrote it himself and posted it without our knowledge!